Please be informed that the Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia (LHDNM) has issued a Media Release on the extended the deadlines for submission of Tax Return Form for several categories of taxpayers following the extension of the Phase One of Movement Control under the National Recovery Plan. The initiative is taken to provide taxpayers more time to prepare tax documents and information for the purpose of declaring to the LHDNM. The categories of taxpayers involved and the additional period of time given are as follows:
Taxpayer Category |
Extension of Time For Submission Of Tax Return Forms And Payment Of Tax Balances |
Taxpayers (with a business income) involved are individuals, partnerships, associations, deceased persons' estates, and Hindu joint families for the year of assessment 2020 |
until 31 August 2021 |
Companies, cooperatives, limited liability partnerships and trust bodies with an accounting period ended from 1 October 2020 to 31 December 2020 |
2 months* |
Companies, cooperatives, limited liability partnerships and trust bodies with an accounting period ended from 1 January 2021 to 31 January 2021 |
2 months* |
Petroleum with an accounting period ended from 1 October 2020 until 31 December 2020 |
2 months* |
Petroleum with an accounting period ended from 1 January 2021 to 31 January 2021 |
2 months* |
Note: * From the last date of submission of the Tax Return Form as per enshrined in the relevant act.
The Return Form Filing Program can be accessed and downloaded through www.hasil.gov.my.
Kindly visit LHDNM's official portal at www.hasil.gov.my or contact Hasil Care Line at +603-8911 1000 or +603-8911 1100 (overseas) or through a quick link at https://maklumbalaspelanggan.hasil.gov.my/MaklumBalas/ms-my/ and HASil Live Chat, should you require further clarifications.
Please click on the following for further details:
• Media Release
• FAQs on Tax Matters During The MCO 3.0 (updated on 30 June 2021)
Please be informed that Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia (LHDNM) has issued a Media Release on the deadline to file various income tax return forms by individuals who do not own a business (Borang BE/e-BE/m-BE/Borang M/e-M) for the Year of Assessment 2019, has been extended to 30 June 2020.
Please be informed that Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia (LHDNM) has issued a media statement on the relaxation of tax payment and penalty under the strategic programme to empower the people and additional economy (PEMERKASA +) including FAQs in relation to taxation matters during MCO 3.0 period.
Please click on the following for further details:
i) Media Statement
ii) FAQs
Deadline to Submit Tax Return Forms (BNCP) for the Assessment Year of 2019 Extended to 30 June 2020
Please be informed that Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia (LHDNM) has issued a Media Release on the deadline to file various income tax return forms by individuals who do not own a business (Borang BE/e-BE/m-BE/Borang M/e-M) for the Year of Assessment 2019, has been extended to 30 June 2020.
Taxpayers can now submit their tax returns via the LHDNM online platform, ezHASiL at https://ez.hasil.gov.my/CI/ or submit manually by downloading the tax return forms at the LHDNM official website at www.hasil.gov.my
LHDNM encourages taxpayers to submit the tax return forms via online and also further reminded taxpayers not to wait until the last minute to file their tax returns.
Please click the following for further details for the tax return filing programme 2020:
i) Bahasa Melayu Version; or
ii) English Version
Please visit LHDNM official portal at www.hasil.gov.my or
Contact HasiL Care Line at +603-8911 1000 or +603-89111100(overseas) or through a quick link at https://maklumbalaspelanggan.hasil.gov.my/MaklumBalas/ms-my, HASil Live Chat, Facebook and Twitter if you are required for further clarification.
e-Filing Counter Service is Not Available at the LHDNM Branch.
Please be informed that Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia (LHDNM) has issued a notice that the e-Filing counter service is not available at the LHDNM branch. This is in line with the ongoing effort to break the Covid-19 epidemic chain.
Please click here to view the notice >
Hasil Care Line Operations during the month of Ramadan
Pleased be informed that Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia (LHDNM) has issued Media Release issued on 27 April 2020 relating to the operational hours of Hasil Care Line (HCL) during the month of Ramadan is as follows:
Day |
Operation Hours |
Monday to Friday (*except public holidays) |
9.00am - 4.30pm |
Besides contacting the HCL, public can also contact all LHDNM branches in the respective states through telephone calls based on the above operational hours and working days. The telephone numbers of the respective LHDNM branches can be accessed via the official LHDNM website at www.hasil.gov.my or through a quick link .
Services Provided During MCO
Pleased be informed that Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia (LHDNM) Media Release issued on 28 April 2020 relating to the services available during the period of Movement Control Order (MCO) are as follows:
1) Customer Service counter
2) Stamp duty counter
3) Payment Centre (Kuala Lumpur, Kota Kinabalu and Kuching)
4) Taxation matters (tax settlement letter, audit, investigation and others)
5) ezHASiL
6) Telephone call (Hasil Care Line & LHDNM office)
Please click here for the Media Release.
Note: Deadline for the submission of Form 502 is not later than 30 June 2020 and any submission of Form 502 after the deadline will not be considered by the LHDNM. The revised instalment payments will commence on the month following the submission of Form CP502.
Revised FAQs on Tax Matters
Further to the announcement Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia (LHDNM) on 21 April 2020 relating to the revised Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on tax matters, LHDNM has on 28 April 2020, made further revisions on the FAQs by adding the amendments as highlighted in red in the attached revised FAQs.
Please click here for revised FAQ.
Hasil Care Line Recommencement of Operations on 30 March 2020
Pleased be informed that Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia (LHDNM) has issued a Media Release on the recommencement of operations of Hasil Care Line (HCL) on 30 March 2020. The HCL will respond to questions pertaining to ‘Bantuan Prihatin Nasional (BPN)’. All other premises of the LHDNM will be closed until the Movement Control Order (MCO) is lifted.
Please click here for the Media Release.
Application for Amendment to Instalment Payments by Individuals
Pleased be informed that Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia (LHDNM) has uploaded the Form CP502 [Pin.1/2020] for individual taxpayers to apply for a revision of tax instalment payments, in the event any individual taxpayer disagrees with the Notice of Instalment Payments (CP500). Form CP502 must be completed by using a black ink pen and submitted to the respective LHDNM branches which handle the taxpayers’ file.
Deadline for the submission of Form 502 is not later than 30 June 2020 and any submission of Form 502 after the deadline will not be considered by the LHDNM. The revised instalment payments will commence on the month following the submission of Form CP502.
Please click the following for further details:
1) Form CP502; and
2) Explanatory Notes
Tax Deduction Incentives for Contributions Made to the Covid-19 Funds
Pleased be informed that Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia (LHDNM) has issued a Media Release that tax deduction incentives will be given to donors, of cash or non-cash items, who have donated for the purpose of assisting people who are adversely effected by the Covid-19 outbreak. This incentive is to encourage the public to extend their help to those who are in need of assistance.
Please click here for further details.
FAQs on Tax Matters during MCO Period
Further to the announcement Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia (LHDNM) on 16 April 2020 relating to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on tax matters, LHDNM has issued, on 21 April 2020, revised FAQs by adding the tax deduction incentives for contributions made to the Covid-19 Funds.
Please click here for revised FAQ.
FAQs on Tax Matters during the MCO Period
Due to the Movement Control Order (MCO), Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia (LHDNM) on 16 April 2020 had issued a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on tax matters as follows:
1. Extension of time (EOT) to 31 May 2020 for taxpayers to submit documents for audit or investigation within the period of 18 March 2020 until 15 May 2020
2. EOT to 31 May 2020 for taxpayers to provide feedback to LHDNM letters issued within the period of 18 March 2020 until 15 May 2020
3. EOT to 30 June 2020 for the submission of the audited accounts by the institution or organisation approved under section 44(6) of the Income Tax Act 1967
Please click here for the FAQs.
LHDNM - Re-Operating of the Stamp Duty Counters Nationwide
We are pleased to inform that Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia (LHDNM) has issued a Media Release on the re-operating of the stamp duty counters at 34 Stamping Office branches effective from 3 April 2020. This is to ensure the smooth conduct of individuals and parties who require services relating to stamp duties.
Please click here for the Media Release.
Re-Operating of Stamp Duty Counters at LHDNM Stamp Office Branches starting 3 April 2020
We are pleased to inform that Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia ( LHDNM ) has announced the stamp duty services are limited to the following:
1. Individuals and public who do not have a user ID STAMPS. The individual and the public shall mean other than the following:
- Legal firm
- stockbroking firm
- banks
- management companies
- tax agent
- other individuals with STAMPS ID
2. Payment of stamp duty on the notice of assessment such as the amount of duties payable exceeding RM1 million which shall not be made online.
Please click here for further details.