News Updates - SSM


Please be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) has issued a Notice stating that the Malaysian Business Reporting System (MBRS) will not be accessible from 24 February 2023 (6.00pm) to 2 March 2023 (12.00am) due to database migration work.

Members who are affected by the closure of the MBRS system are advised to lodge the following documents via SSM’s counter service nationwide commencing from 26 February 2023:
(i) Annual Returns (AR);
(ii) Audited or Unaudited Financial Statements and Reports (FS);
(iii) Exempt Private Company (EPC); and (iv) Application for exemption or extension of time in relation to AR or FS (EA).

SSM will waive the affected company's late lodgement fee from 26 February 2023 to 31 March 2023.

Kindly contact SSM Contact Centre at +603-7721 4000 or email if you require further clarification.

Please click on the following for further details:

Please be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) has announced eight initiatives for 2023. Three of the compound reduction initiatives for the year 2023 are to help ease the financial burden of the corporate community. 

SSM will also continue by providing five more existing initiatives with some improvements, bringing the total number of SSM initiatives to eight in 2023.

Please click on the following for further details:
i) Media Statement
ii) Initiative SSM 2023

Please be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) issued the updated Guidelines For Application To Reinstate Company Name Under Section 555(1) Of The Companies Act (CA) 2016 (Guidelines). Please click here for further details.

Please click here for further details.

Please be informed that the Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) has issued a press release on the proposal to review the threshold of the qualifying criteria for audit exemption for certain categories of private companies.

Members are invited to provide comments to on or before 28 February 2023. Should members have further enquiries, please contact SSM at +603-2299 4734.

The Consultative Document on the "Proposed Review of Audit Exemption Criteria for Private Companies in Malaysia" can be accessed via 

Please click here to view Press Release.

Please be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) issued a Press Release stating that in an effort to strengthen the compliance of every business entity registered with SSM, SSM had extended the SSM BizTrust initiative to Limited Liability Partnership (PLT) entities through the MyLLP portal with effect from 30 December 2022.

Please contact SSM Call Center at +603-7721 4000 or email for more information.

Please click here to view Press Release.

Effective 15 March 2022, all Gazetted Words are not allowed to be used as part of a company name. Therefore, all company name search applications containing Gazetted Words will be rejected. If the applicant wishes to appeal against the Registrar's decision, the applicant may submit an appeal to the Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (Minister KPDNHEP) through the Registrar within thirty (30) days after the date of the Registrar's decision.

The appeal application must be sent to the nearest SSM office together with: -
a. Written letter stating the grounds of appeal
b. Copy of rejection email notification
c. Other documents if instructed in the rejection email
d. Appeal application fee of RM300

If the word Gazetted is also a word controlled by another Authority, a letter of permission/ support from that Authority must be attached. The list of relevant Authorities and Company Name Guidelines can be found on SSM's website.

For more information, please visit or call the SSM Call Center at 03-77214000.

Please click on the following for further details:

i) Notice
ii) SSM Announcement
iii) Guideline
iv) FAQs
v) Government Gazette

As societies' expectations of the corporate sector increase, companies are mindful of the need to be more transparent and conscious of the necessity of corporate reporting that has now evolve beyond financial reporting.

Broadening of non-financial reporting has been introduced under the new Companies Act 2016 as the Business Review Report. Section 253(3) of the Companies Act 2016 stipulates that the business review report will form part of the directors' report and that, its contents include matters as set out in Part II of the 5th Schedule of the Act.

Under the law, submission of the Business Review Report to the Registrar is voluntary in nature. To encourage companies in complying with this new generation of corporate reporting, SSM has published the Best Business Practice Circular (BBPC) 6/2018 on Business Review Report: Guidance to Disclosure and Reporting.

The Business Review Report is in narrative form that allows companies to report essential information on the company's direction plans and its performance. Compliance to this voluntary narrative reporting will allow management to report on the issues that impact the overall performance of the business, additional to the financial statements that will provide detailed financial information of the company.

Please click on the following for further details:
i) BBPC 6/2017 (English)
ii) BBPC 6/2017 (Malay)

Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) introduced six (6) new initiatives towards helping the country's economic recovery in 2022 as announced by the Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry.

Please click the following for further details:

Please click the following for your reference:


i) SSM Initiatives 2021
Please be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) introduced three (3) new initiatives to support the assistance of the strategic program for empowering the people and the supplementary economy (PEMERKASA+) as announced by the Prime Minister on 30 May 2021. These initiatives were introduced in order to reduce the burden of the business community and the corporate sector affected by the implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO) 3.0 and total lockdown Phase One.

11 Initiative by SSM to Support Community Business Affected by COVID-19 as follows:

1. Introduction of Skim Pendaftaran Prihatin (SPPP) which allows FREE business registration for: - Entrepreneurs under B40 Category - Part-time students from Institutions of Higher Learning (IPT)

2. Continued implementation of Skim 1 OKU 1 Perniagaan (S1OKU1P) to provide FREE business registrations and renewals to persons with disabilities. * Limited to 1 business per person

3. Extension of FREE registration deadline for SSM BizTrust to 31st December 2021.

4. Late business registrations and renewals will be exempted from penalty fines up until 31st December 2021.

5. Reduced fines up to 90% from the original value for applications to strike off the name of a company under section 549/550 of the Companies Act 2016.Extended from 30 June 2021 to 31 December 2021.

6. Increased threshold of indebtedness for companies from RM10,000 to RM50,000 on a permanent basis effective 1st April 2021.

7. Recognition of additional Continuing Professional Education (CPE) points for online training to 20 CPE points for the renewal of practicing certificate of secretaries within a year, starting from 1st January 2021.

8. Proposed amendments to improve the measures under Companies Act 2016 relating to Corporate Rescue Mechanism (CRM) and Scheme of Arrangements.

9. Introduction of new CRM regulations for partnerships registered under LLP Act 2012.

10. 30 day moratorium from the date of expiry of the Full Movement Control Order (FMCO) for all companies and limited liability partnerships to lodge statutory documents.

11. 90-DAYS extension of time to companies having financial year ending 1st November 2020 to 31st January 2021 to:

- Lodge financial statements and reports

- Hold an AGM

- Circulate financial statements

Application fee of RM100 will be waived for each application respectively.

Please click the following to view the Initiatives:

i) SSM Initiatives

ii) SSM Initiatives Infographic

ii) FAQs on Virtual General Meetings & Application for Company Information Update
Please be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) issued the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Virtual General Meetings and on Application for Company Information Update.

Please click the following to view the FAQs.

FAQs on Virtual General Meetings

FAQs on Application for Company Information Update

iii) iii) Practice Directives Issued Pursuant to CA 2016
Please be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) released an infographic providing the relevant Practice Directives issued under the Companies Act 2016 which can be accessed via, for ease of reference.

Please click here to view the Infographic.

Please be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) had issued a Practice Directive No. 8/2021, which will be effective from 1 June 2021, relating to the following:

i) Granting an extension of time for a period of 90 days, for affected companies, to circulate financial statements and reports in accordance with Practice Note 3/2018;

ii) Granting an extension of time for a period of 90 days, for affected companies, to hold an Annual General Meeting in accordance with the powers under section 340(4) of Companies Act (CA) 2016; and

iii) Granting an extension of time for a period of 90 days, for affected companies, to lodge financial statements and reports in accordance with the powers under section 259(2) of CA 2016

Only companies having financial year end after 31 October 2020 to 31 January 2021 are eligible for extension of time under PD8/2021. The extension is not automatic.

A company seeking an extension must submit an application in the form provided in Appendix A of PD8/2021 by email to, from 1 June 2021 to 31 July 2021. The application fee of RM100 will be waived.

Please click on the following for further details:
 i) PD8/2021
 ii) FAQs EOT

Please be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) has issued an overview of the Beneficial Ownership Reporting Framework, for ease of reference.
Please click here to view the Framework.

Please be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) has issued a revised Practice Directive No. 6/2020 (4th revision) on 27 January 2021. The Registrar had further granted an extension of time (EOT) to companies having financial year ending after 31 March 2020 to 31 July 2020 to lodge/circulate the financial statements and/or to hold an annual general meeting (AGM) pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Companies Act 2016, provided it is lodged by 31 March 2021.

The relevant EOT application for the holding of AGM, circulation and lodgment of financial statements can only be made by emailing the application to on or before 31 March 2021.

Please click on the following for further details:
i) Notice
ii) PD6/2020 (4th Revision)
iii) FAQs - EOT

Further to the government announcement on the implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO) 2.0 on the 11 January 2021, please be informed that the SSM has issued a notice on 12 January 2021 that the service counters of the SSM at Federal Territory (Kuala Lumpur / Putrajaya / Labuan), Selangor, Penang, Johor, Malacca, and Sabah will be closed, with effect from 13 January 2021 to 26 January 2021.

Other SSM States / Branch Offices which are under the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) and the Rehabilitation Movement Control Order (RMCO) will be operating as usual.

Subject to further announcements by the Government, SSM will resume its operations accordingly.

For any inquiries, please contact SSM Call Center at +603-7721 4000 or email to

Please click here to view the Notice.

Please be informed that SSM has issued a notice that for the duration of the Movement Control Order, all activation of user accounts for MyCOID, MyLLP and EzBiz services can be completed via email without having to be present at the SSM counter.

Please click here to view the Notice.

Please be informed that on the 13 January, SSM introduced nine (9) initiatives for the year 2021 to assist the business community affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, during the Movement Control Order (MCO) 2.0.

Please click here to view the Initiatives.

Please be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) issued the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), in relation to the beneficial ownership reporting framework of legal persons.

Please click here to view the FAQs.

Please be informed that SSM announced the temporary closure of Malaysian Business Reporting System (MBRS) from 25 December 2020 to 28 February 2021. On 31 December 2020, SSM issued a further media release stating that, as an alternative, the lodgement of annual returns (AR), financial statements (FS), Exempt Private Company (EPC), unaudited financial statements, extension of time application for AR and FS and Exemption Applications can be made over the counter.

Please click here to view the Media Release.

Please be informed that on 31 December 2020 SSM issued a revised Practice Note No. 6/2019 (PN6) on the procedures to rectify the documents lodged and registered with the SSM. This PN6 serves to clarify the procedures for rectification of documents, that have been lodged and registered with SSM, which will require the submission of an application form (Form For Rectification of Registers Under Section 602 of the Companies Act 2016) together with other relevant documents.

Please click here to view the revised PN6.

Please be informed that on 1 January 2021 SSM announced the threshold of indebtedness of RM50,000, which was prescribed pursuant to paragraph 466(1)(a) of the Companies Act 2016 under Gazette Notification 8032 [G.N. 8032] effective from 23 April 2020 to 31 December 2020 is now extended to 31 March 2021.

To support the business community during the economic recovery period, the extension of the indebtedness threshold to RM50,000 is necessary to assist companies which are affected by the extended period of the Movement Control Order due the COVID-19 pandemic.

Please click at this link to view the new Gazette Notification on the Prescription of Amount of Indebtedness of Company under Paragraph 466(1)(a) of the Companies Act 2016:GN 21841_KPDNHEP 30.12.pdf

Please click here to view the notice.

Extension Of Transitional Period For The Guideline For The Reporting Framework For Beneficial Ownership Of Legal Persons
Please be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) has made an announcement on the transitional period stated in the 'Guideline for the Reporting Framework for Beneficial Ownership of Legal Persons' ending on 31 December 2020 to be extended to a later date to be determined by the Registrar to coincide with the enforcement date of the proposed Companies (Amendment) Bill and Limited Liability Partnerships (Amendment) Bill.

During the extended transitional period, companies and limited liability partnerships shall continue to identify and verify the beneficial owners to ensure the beneficial ownership information is accurate and up to date. It is also important that the information kept at the entity's level can be accessed in a timely manner. Please take note that companies are required to lodge the beneficial ownership information together with the annual return. Please click on the following for further details: -

i) Notice >
ii) FAQ >

Temporary Closure of MBRS System
Please be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysian has made an announcement on the Malaysian Business Reporting System (MBRS) will be currently unavailable due to the system maintenance.

The system is expected to resume its operation on 1/3/2021 or any other dates to be announced later.

For further information, please contact SSM Contact Centre at 03-7721 4000 or email at or

Please click on the following for further details:

i) Notice >
ii) FAQ >

Remission of Late Lodgement Fee on Filing Of Company Statutory Documents
In accordance with the implementation of the Conditional Movement Control Order(CMCO) and Restricted Movement Control Order (RMCO) in various states on 7 November 2020 announced by the Government, please be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) has issued a notice on late lodgement fee. The notice announced that the late lodgement fee imposed on late lodgement of company statutory documents (including those statutory documents for the period from 18 March 2020 onwards) will be waived provided such statutory documents are submitted to the Registrar during the period from 9 November 2020 to 31 December 2020.

The late lodgement fee waiver applies to all companies nationwide including those companies from states that are not affected by the implementation of the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) and Restricted Movement Control Order (RMCO).

Please click on the following for further details: -

i) Notice >
ii) FAQ >

Revised Requirements on Mandatory CPE hours for Online Training for the renewal of Practicing Certificate for Company Secretaries
Please be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) has made an announcement on the revised Requirements on Mandatory CPE hours for Online Training for the renewal of Practising Certificate for Company Secretaries. SSM has increased the CPE hours for online training from a maximum of 4 to 10 CPE points subject to stated conditions. This SSM revision is valid only until 14 March 2021.

Please click here for further details:
Click here to view >

SSM - Telegram Channel
Please be inform that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) has issued a poster inviting the public to join the SSM Telegram channel by scanning the QR code on the poster or click the link below to join the SSM Telegram, in order to receive the latest information from SSM.

Please click here for further details:

I) QR Code Poster
II) Official Page

SSM - Revised Practice Directive No. 6/2020
Please be inform that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) has issued a revised Practice Directive No. 6/2020 (PD6-2020) and revised FAQs, where the Registrar has agreed to grant an extension of time (EOT) of 90 days to companies having financial year ended after 31 December 2019 to 31 March 2020 to circulate/lodge the financial statements and/or to hold an annual general meeting (AGM) pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Companies Act 2016.

The relevant EOT application for the holding of AGM, circulation and lodgment of financial statements can only be made by emailing the application via not later than 30 September 2020.

Please click on the following for further details:

I) Notice
II) PD6-2020

Form 5 Registration Guide
Please be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) provided Form 5 Registration Guide made pursuant to Section 9 of the Companies Act 2016 relating to the qualification of auditors, responsibility, the procedure to register a new audit firm and to update changes in audit firms andother general information.

Please click on the following links for further details:

I) Guideline on Registration Form
II) Companies Commission of Malaysia Act

FAQs on Malaysian Business Reporting System (MBRS)
Please be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) had issued a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) providing guidelines to check on the MBRS Filing   Status and to reuse or prepare the subsequent Annual Return (AR) by using the previous year's document rather than using the "Pre-Populate AR Data” function.

Please click on the following for further details:
I) Notice

Please be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) had issued a further notice that members of the public are required to make online appointment at least 48 hours should they wish to visit any SSM offices for work purposes

Members of the public will receive a confirmation email from SSM upon approval of the appointment slot. The confirmation email should be provided as proof when in attendance at the SSM and public are advised to follow strictly the date and time specified in the email.

Please click on the following for further details:
I) Notice

SSM Counter Operations Open to Public Effective 13 May 2020 Through Appointments
Pleased be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) counter operations will open to public every working day beginning 13 May 2020, through appointments.

Only customers with prior appointments will be allowed to perform transactions at SSM counters throughout the country. To make the appointment, customers need to fill in the Appointment Form available at SSM’s official portal,

Apart from the appointment method, SSM has also introduced alternative methods for customers to submit statutory documents of company via drive through or dropbox and registered post. Customers have to print and fill in the Sender’s Information Form​ and attach it with the​ relevant documents for this alternative method.

Customers can refer to the FAQs​ for detailed information on the details of the online appointment and the alternative methods to submit statutory documents in SSM’s official portal,​

For further enquiries, please email to

Please click here for view the announcement.

SSM Will Resume Its Services at BSN and BKRM Beginning 8 May 2020
Pleased be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) will resume its services at Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN) and Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia (BKRM) beginning 8 May 2020.
Customers could now renew their business registration and pay compound at the BSN and BKRMbranches starting from the date.For further enquiries, please email at
Please click here to view the announcements.

Malaysian Business Reporting System (MBRS) System Activation
Pleased be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) has activated MBRS system via beginning 30 April 2020. These are the transactions that are operational:
1. Submission of Annual Return (AR);
2. Submission of Financial Statements and reports (FS); and
3. Submission of Exemption Applications (EA) related to the AR and FS.

For further enquiries, kindly contact:
SSM Contact Centre at; or
PKI Registration/ Digital Certificate, Pos Digicert Sdn. Bhd. Customer Service for PKI Registration/ Digital Certificate related matters at 03-8800 8008 or email to

Please click here for view the announcement.

MyCoID Account Activation Can Be Done without Having to Be Present at The Counter During MCO
Please be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) has announced that Beginning April 29, 2020, the MyCoID user account activation can be done without having to be physically present at the counter during the Movement Control Order (MCO) period. Users can activate their accounts via For further enquiries, kindly email SSM Contact Centre at​

Application for Company Information Update
Please be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) has updated its Frequently Asked Questions on the Application for Company Information Update.
Please click here to view the updated FAQs.

Application for Registration of Charges
Please be informed that SSM has updated its Frequently Asked Questions on the Application for Registration of Charges.
Please click here to view the updated FAQs.

Reactivation of Online System During Movement Control Order (MCO)
Please be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) on 22 March 2020 has announced the re-activation of the following major online services in commencing 28 Mac 2020 :
b) MyLLP
c) EzBiz
d) e-info
e) Mydata
Please click here to view the announcement.

Reactivation of Ministries, Departments and Federal Government Agencies (KJAKP) Portal
Please be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) has announced that the portal, for the supply of corporate information to Ministries, Departments and Federal Government Agencies (KJAKP), has been reactivated with limited access beginning 14 April 2020. The portal can be accessed by the existing users in the usual manner. Members may channel any enquiries relating to KJAKP portal at

The list SSM FAQs as follows:-
1. Registration of Company (ROC)
2. Registration of Business (ROB)
3. EzBiz
4. Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
5. Product & Services
6. Compliance
7. Interest Schemes
8. Secretary & Auditor
9. Others

Please click on the following links relating to the SSM FAQs as below:
a. Bahasa Melayu version; or
b. English version

Fully Reactivates Supply of Information
We are pleased to inform that the Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) will fully reactivate the corporate information supply service beginning 13 April 2020 via (MyData-SSM) and​ (SSM e-Info).

All corporate information products involving company and business entities can be accessed through the websites for 24 hours daily. The information on products was updated before the commencement of the Movement Control Period (MCO). Customers can channel any feedbacks regarding the information, if any, to SSM Contact Centre at after the MCO ends.

Customer can channel their enquiries on SSM MyData website to 03-2775 9339 and while customers with feedback on services offered by SSM e-info can channel it to 1300-30-4636,

Reactivates e-Secretary System to Allow Application of Practicing Certificate to Act as a Company Secretary
Please be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) has announced the new applications for a practicing certificate to act as a company secretary under Section 241 of the Companies Act 2016 can be made via e-Secretary system with effect from 13 April 2020. 

However, the renewal application module of the practicing certificate is currently being upgraded to accommodate SSM’s recent announcement on the extension of time for company secretaries to comply with the 20 CPE requirements for the first renewal. For further information, please refer to the announcement that was released on 22 March 2020 on the Extension of Time for Renewal of Practicing Certificate to Act as Secretary under Section 241 of the CA2016.

SSM will make further announcement on the readiness of the renewal module once the upgrading work is completed.

For further enquiry, please channel your feedbacks to SSM Contact Centre at

Reactivates Application for the Registration of a Charge Through the MyCoID System
Please be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) has announced the registration of charge under Section 352, 354, 356 and 361, Companies Act 2016 through the MyCoID System is available from 14 April 2020.

However, the registration of charges via the MyCoID system is only applicable for existing users. Registration of new users can only be conducted once the physical SSM counters have been operationalised.

For further enquiry, please channel your feedbacks to SSM Contact Centre at

Reactivates Customer Contact Centre
Please be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) has announced the Customer Contact Centre will be reactivated with effect from 13 April 2020 in line with the reactivation of various other SSM online services. As such, all enquiries and feedbacks on SSM services can be emailed to

However, due to limited number of staff and partners mobility, other customer contact channels will be reactivated in stages from time to time.

Seven Initiatives to Ease the Burden of Corporate Sector during Movement Control Order
1) SSM will grant a moratorium of 30 days from the end of the Movement Control Order (MCO) to lodge all affected statutory documents with SSM. All transactions under the Companies Act 2016 and Limited Liability Partnership Act 2012 have to be lodged to the Registrar after the end of MCO. During the moratorium period, the late lodgement fee will be exempted.

2) SSM will grant an extension of time (EOT) of three months for companies to lodge their financial statements to SSM. SSM will also waive the application fee of RM100 for companies involved in the EOT. Apart from these two measures, SSM, in line with the Prime Minister’s proposal to ease the burden of the business community, will introduce five other additional initiatives. (Please click the following link for more details)
2.1 FAQ (Click to view)
2.2 PD6/2020 (click here to view)

3) To extend the compliance period of Section 241 of Companies Act 2016 for company secretaries to fulfil their CPE requirements, until December 31, 2020, subject to certain terms and conditions.

4) To increase the value of indebtedness under Section 466 of the Companies Act 2016 from RM10,000 to RM50,000 until December 31, 2020, to reduce taking winding up action against companies. Additionally, companies will also be given a period of six months from the current 21 days, to respond to a notice of demand.

5) To extend the deadline of the “2020 Compliance Campaign of the Companies Act 2016” to June 30, 2020, in which SSM will provide a maximum compound reduction rate of 90 per cent from the original value of the compound for common offences under Companies Act 1965 and Companies Act 2016 for situations where an active company has updated its Annual Returns and Financial Statements; a dormant or inactive company has applied for name revocation under Section 550 of Companies Act 2016 or the company secretary has provided written feedback for the notice under Section 7(11)(b) of the Companies Act 1965.

6) Introduce an exemption from obtaining approval for solicitation of donation from the public to help those affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, by Companies Limited by Guarantee (CLBG). To expedite this noble cause, SSM will grant exemption to CLBGs which have been approved by the Inland Revenue Board Malaysia (IRB) pursuant to subsection 44(6) of the Income Tax Act 1967 (ITA 1967) from applying for the Minister or Registrar’s approval to conduct activities for solicitation of donation from the public for the purpose of Covid-19 pandemic. This exemption is applicable until December 31, 2020. CLBGs which have not been approved by the IRB can also proceed to conduct the solicitation of donation activities from the public but must make an official application within 30 days after the MCO ends. CLBGs that collect donations for the Covid-19 pandemic must keep a record of donations for SSM’s monitoring purposes.

7) To grant EOT for the holding of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) until three months after the MCO ends. However in order to ensure that there is no abuse of the EOT, companies will be required to apply for the EOT to SSM. The companies involved will be exempted from paying the RM100 fee for EOT. (Please click the following link for more details)
7.1 FAQ (click to view)
7.2 PD6/2020 (click here to view)

Activation OF MyCoID Portal
Please be informed that Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) has announced on 2 April 2020 the re-activation of the MyCoID Portal, which will operate 24 hours a day through access to

The transactions can be performed through this MyCoID Portal as follows;

1. User Registration;
2. Search and Name Application;
3. Incorporation of Company (Inc);
4. Appointment of the First Secretary (AFC);
5. Surrender to the Constitution (Loc);
6. Change of the Registered Address (CRA);
7. Change of Officer Information (CPO);
8. Return of Allotment of Shares (RoA);
9. Member Registration (ROM); and
10. Reassignment of Company Secretary (RAC)

Please click here for further details.