The membership of the Association consists of qualified professionals from various disciplines, such as qualified accountants, qualified tax agents, chartered secretaries, certified company secretaries, approved company auditors, practising lawyers and nevertheless the licensed company secretaries and senior officers from the Companies Commission of Malaysia.
1. | Registered Student Registered Student status is granted to a person who has been registered as a student of the Association, with the intention of pursuing a course of study in Company Secretaryship leading to the examinations of the Association. |
2. | Associate Associate membership may also be awarded to a person who is not eligible to be admitted as Member grade or Fellow, but by virtue of holding a degree or other professional qualification recognised by the Association and engaged in the corporate sector or as lecturer at any recognised university and/or institution of higher learning in Malaysia and has had three or more years in lectureship in Company Law and Company Secretarial, Accounting, Corporate Governance or such other areas, in the opinion of the Council deemed suitable to be an Associate member of the Association. |
3. | Provisional Member Provisional member shall be awarded to a person who has passed such qualifying examinations of the Association or obtained the qualification deemed to be equivalent to the qualifying examinations under Clause 4(aa) of the Association’s Constitution, but who has not fulfilled the practical experience requirement and in the opinion of the Council deemed suitable to be a Provisional member of the Association. |
4. | Member Member grade shall be awarded to a person who has passed such qualifying examination of the Association or obtained the qualification deemed to be equivalent to the qualifying examinations under Clause 4(aa) and has had three or more years of relevant company secretarial or corporate governance or such relevant experience or holding Senior Position in the Public Service relevant to company secretarial practice and in the opinion of the Council deemed suitable to be a Member of the Association. |
5. | Fellow A Fellowship is awarded to a qualified person who is a Member grade of at least five (5) years standing of the Association and has had ten (10) or more years of relevant company secretarial experience. A Fellow grade member is entitled to describe himself/herself as ‘Certified Company Secretary’ and is also granted the use of FCCS designatory letters after his/her name. |